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On November 11, 2023, Missouri HOSA hosted a very successful regional networking event at Marquette High School for students in the St. Louis Region. Ankush Vasireddy and I had a wonderful time preparing the day with the Statewide Service Project and several activities. The escape room challenge seemed to be a favorite amongst many members! Although we had only four winning teams, it was nice to see everyone have a good time participating. We also had a large rock paper and scissors tournament along with a HOSA best friend activity during our time together. Thank you to everyone, members, advisors, and parents, who were able to come to the event! All of the donation items were added to the bags decorated on site and sent to the Veterans' home in the area. We are truly so appreciative of your support in making this day meaningful as a HOSA member serving your community! And, we hope this was a great wrap-up to your HOSA week celebrations as a chapter!

Amisha Poojari

Missouri HOSA President-Elect


On November 11, 2023, Missouri HOSA met at Rolla Technical Center for our Central Region Regional Event. We had more than 50 dedicated HOSA members from the central region show up ready to participate with lots of donations. They were excited, eager to meet fellow HOSA members, and willing to serve the veteran community. We assembled dozens of comfort bags with thoughtful messages and caring gifts. We were also able to play many games, organize an escape room (with prizes!), and overall have a great time.


Our members showed their upbeat attitudes, dedication to service, and open minds as they met new people and made the comfort bags. In the end, we were able to donate almost 30 bags of clothes and gift cards to the Missouri Veterans’ Home in St. James, and they were truly thankful for our contribution.


The state officer team wants to thank everyone for participating; we had a great time organizing the event and meeting everyone!


Jatin Sridhar

Missouri HOSA Vice President of Membership


On November 11th, Missouri HOSA hosted the Kansas City Regional Event at Staley High School. Kansas City region HOSA members worked their minds with Scattergories, tested their human anatomy knowledge, and got physical with Just Dance and yard games. Additionally, each member personalized a bag to send to the Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Our members put a lot of work into each bag, and it showed in their designs. We were able to donate over forty bags to thank our veterans. Finally, members were able to strengthen their bonds with their own chapters while branching out to meet members of other chapters. The day of networking and small acts of service was largely successful. Thank you to the Kansas City region chapters and members for donating items to our local veterans and for ending our Acts of Service HOSA Week with us!

Clarissa Davis

Missouri HOSA Vice President of Communications

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