Over the decades, Be The Match has been known by a few names, like Be The Match® or the National Marrow Donor Program®. Today, they move forward as NMDP—one name that not only captures the breadth of everything they do today, but their ambitions for tomorrow.
They are creating a world where blood cancer and disorders are a thing of the past. Their name has changed, but their mission has not: We save lives through cell therapy.
In order to reset your annual chapter points to zero, you must register one chapter team page each school year. Follow these easy steps:
- Click HERE and select REGISTER.
- If you registered a page in the past, log in to your account first. If you are new, create your account and continue to the next step.
- Select the one Participant Type that aligns with your role:
- Advisor or Team Captain: Only ONE person per chapter can create a TEAM. Chapter members will JOIN the team.
- Chapter Team Member: You must JOIN your chapter’s team page.
- Individual Fundraiser: You will fundraise on your own without a chapter team
Your life-saving achievements will be rewarded!
- 1 dollar raised = 1 point
- 1 person added to the Be The Match Registry = 10 points (NOTE: Join Keyword MUST be used to track credit)
- 1 Pre-Registration = 5 points (NOTE: Join Keyword MUST be used to track credit)
- 1 Chapter Team Captain downloads the fundraising app = 20 points
Learn more about incentives and how to earn points for your chapter at Be The Match HOSA Incentives. And stay tuned for additional opportunities throughout the school year to earn even more points!
Did you know that each year, an estimated $4.7 BILLION in corporate matching gift funds goes unclaimed? Ask your donors if their employers will match their donations—or check here: BeTheMatch.org/MatchingGifts
You watched the swab event training webinar, you’ve planned your event and you’re ready to host, what’s next? First, make sure your chapter team page is registered and you have a join keyword for your chapter. During registration, you can use a join keyword from last year or request a new one. Once your chapter team page and join keyword are finalized, all you need to do is contact your local Be The Match Representative and ask them to send you materials. If you don’t know your Be The Match Representative, please reach out to us at hosa@nmdp.org.
What ideas do you have? Do you need help executing your idea? Contact HOSA@nmdp.org to share, ask questions or to get in contact with your NMDP Representative.
Need a Join Keyword? Email HOSA@nmdp.org.
Need help with fundraising? Check out these resources.
Need help creating your volunteer account? View the step-by-step guide.

Questions? Contact HOSA@nmdp.org with any questions or to get in contact with your NMDP Representative!