The Missouri HOSA 2024-2025 Multiple Release and Code of Conduct and the Missouri HOSA Chapter Assurance forms are below.
As a reminder for in-person events, you will need to have your student members fill out the Missouri HOSA 2024-2025 Multiple Release form for your records. The Missouri HOSA Chapter Assurance Form is to be completed by Local Chapter Advisors prior to each regional and state conference/event. It must be, then, provided to Missouri HOSA staff prior to chapter registration by the stated deadline.
Also below is the Missouri HOSA Local Chapter Advisor Code of Conduct form. This form is only for Local Chapter Advisors and needs to be signed and returned to Rachel Fisher at Rachel.fisher@dese.mo.gov by October 4, 2024. Once on file, excluding the International Leadership Conference, this document will be utilized for all regional and statewide events.